Sunday, April 14, 2013

New multi racial local based party is needed in this area

In my opinion, new local based party should be form to represent the majority of people in P207 Igan, P206 Tanjong Manis, P213 Mukah and possibly P214 Selangau. This parliamentary area which comprises mainly of Melanau, Dayaks, Chinese, Malay etc was mainly in control politically by PBB without any strong opposition front.

However, these constituency also comprise of multi religious people mainly Islam, Christian, Buddhist and Pagan (Likou) should also been made under consideration.

By forming new party for people to aspire for and vocal in criticizing and upholding justice for the people, this newly form party will become strong entities to oppose current incumbent of PBB in the area.

As most people know of "open secret" of rampant corruption by certain people which represent this area, people with conscious would most likely aligned themselves with this newly form local based party.

However, newly form party must be multi racial and multi religious if they really want to capture the hearts of the people here. Not to mention the leader and representatives of the party must be local based people with sound academic background and principles.


My suggestion, it is better that this newly form party align themselves with Borneo Agenda of United Borneo Front (UBF), SSM (Sarawak Sovereignty Movement) and SSKM to have a strong back up and ground to fight for.

This suggestion will help prevent any racial statement by certain corner and unite the people from various tribes and ethnics to work against common enemies to topple corrupt government and truly represented the voices and aspiration of the people.

Kalau bukan kita, siapa lagi!
Kalau bukan sekarang, bila lagi!
Ini Kalilah!

SSM (Sarawak Sovereignty Movement)

SSM now officially launches and have official logo. May Allah unite all Sarawakian to uphold the justices, the truth, peace and democratic nation of Sarawak will lasting forever.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

The truth of Malaysia formation (916 Black Malaysia)

Some article regarding formation of Malaysia by Sarawak, North Borneo (Sabah), Singapore and Malaya which have been manipulated and insulted by Malaya regime through neocolonialism on sovereignty of a bless nation of Sarawak and Sabah.

BN regime development project aka LIE project

Kisah Projek Naik Taraf Jalan di sebuah kampung dalam daerah Pitas, Sabah. Tiga kali naik taraf, tapi hasilnya anda lihatlah sendiri. Siapa yang patut dipersalahkan? Rasuah? Tiada pemantauan atau agensi tertentu tutup mata?

STAR SABAH flag attack by BN

As you can see in the picture above, STAR Sabah flag have been put down  and attack by somebody while BN flag doesn't seem to be disturbed.

While some of us might think this is just conspiracy by opposition parties itself by taking their own flag down to make it look like their flag under attack by BN, believe me, it's only natural and normal in Sabah and Sarawak where other parties than the BN regime will be under attack. It's just the tip of iceberg of what happen.


Asal Bukan Cap Dacing - ABCD

Tonight, i just "Liked" facebook page of "Asal Bukan Cap Dacing - ABCD" which mean people should vote any parties except Barisan Nasional (BN) for this coming 13th general election.

Borneon of Sarawak and Sabah should vote for opposition local based parties especially STAR Sabah for Sabahan. Unless we run out of option, vote for other opposition parties, Pakatan Rakyat.

Kalau bukan kita, siapa lagi!
Kalau bukan sekarang, bila lagi!
Ini Kalilah!

Do Sarawakian want this to happen to our children as a results of Malayan regime dictatorship?

Perbicaraan Lim Guan Eng, 1997

Perbicaraan LIM GUAN ENG, 1997 adalah perbicaraan mengenai kes rogol gadis bawah umur oleh bekas Ketua Menteri Melaka, Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik. Lim Guan Eng merupakan ahli politik pembangkang di Malaysia serta Setiausaha Agung bagi Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP).

Sebaliknya, Tan Sri dikatakan merogol seorang murid sekolah berumur 15 tahun. Disebabkan tuduhan ini serta tuduhan-tuduhan rasuah, beliau terpaksa meletakkan jawatannya walaupun beliau tidak dituduh secara rasmi bagi kes rogol dan tuduhan-tuduhan rasuah telah digugurkan.

Dalam perbicaraannya, murid itu telah memberi bukti bahawa dia melakukan hubungan seks dengan menteri tersebut. Di bawah undang-undang Malaysia yang berdasarkan undang-undang British, hubungan seks dengan gadis bawah umur dianggapi sebagai rogol tanpa mengira adakah gadis itu bersetuju dengan perlakuan atau tidak.

Murid perempuan itu kemudian dihukum tiga tahun jagaan perlindungan di pusat pemulihan. Lim mengemukakan anomali-anomali kes tersebut selepas penjaga murid itu, yakni neneknya yang tinggal di Kawasan Parlimen Lim, telah meminta pertolongan.

Pada 28 Februari 1995, Lim didakwa di bawah Akta Hasutan, 1948 kerana menyebabkan "perasaan tidak puas hati akan pelaksanaan keadilan di Malaysia". Pada 17 Mac 1995, satu tuduhan tambahan di bawah Akta Percetakan dan Penerbitan dikenakan kepadanya kerana 'mencetak dengan niat jahat' risalah yang mengandungi 'maklumat palsu', khususnya kerana beliau telah menggunakan perkataan 'mangsa terpenjara' untuk menggambarkan murid sekolah itu.

Dalam perbicaraan pertama pada tahun 1997, Lim telah disabitkan bersalah dalam kedua-dua tuduhan dan didenda sebanyak RM15,000. Kerajaan merayu ke atas hukuman yang dianggapi terlalu ringan dan pada perbicaraan yang berikutan, hukuman dinaikkan kepada pemenjaraan tiga tahun.

Disebabkan hukuman ini, Lim dilarang menjadi ahli parliamen secara automatik. Lim berkata: "... saya tidak menyesal. Saya tidak berasa sesal kerana gagal dalam perjuangan prinsip-prinsip kebenaran dan keadilan. Serta perjuangan hak asasi manusia, khususnya hak asasi wanita.

Tidak akan terdapatnya hak asasi wanita sekiranya mangsa rogol dianggapi sebagai pihak yang perlu bertanggungjawab bersama-bersama dan ditahan juga, sedangkan orang yang dituduh masih bebas."

Amnesty Antarabangsa telah menerima Lim sebagai "Banduan Hati Nurani". Marina Mahathir, anak perempuan kepada Perdana Menteri ketika itu berkata: "Terdapat ketidakadilan dalam undang-undang yang amat membingungkan... Pengajaran adalah jelas — pilihlah perogol anda dengan teliti...

Sebagai seorang wanita, khususnya wanita Muslim, saya berasa marah, meluat dan malu... Sebagai seorang ibu, kini saya mengalami ketakutan yang benar terhadap anak perempuan saya. Apakah perlindungan yang kami dapat berharap bagi anak-anak perempuan kami sekiranya, dalam kepentingan politik, seorang gadis bawah umur boleh dikorbankan dengan amat mudah?"

Friday, April 12, 2013

My own propose Manifesto for Sarawak - An Invitation To the True Economic Prevalence

Title: An Invitation To the True Economic Prevalence
  1. 2 vacant post in the Highest Order which will be fullfilled for our Supreme Leader of bless individual for Imam Mahdi and Prophet Jesus.
  2. Regain and improve the rights and justice of 18-point Agreement of Sarawak in forming Malaysia Federation.
  3. Uphold the position of Sarawak as a Nation within Malaysia Federation together with Sabah and Malaya.
  4. Referendum will be held every 15 years for Sarawakian to choose either to stay or not within Malaysia Federation.
  5. Title of Yang diPertua Negeri Sarawak will be uphold as Yang diPertua Negara Sarawak
  6. Chief Ministers will be vote into office by Sarawakian not the electorate.
  7. Each electorate only entitle to hold at most one State assembly seat and one Parliamentary seat to ensure maximum support for their constituency.
  8. Ensure that every Tribe/Race that live in Sarawak have at least one representatives in government.
  9. Tribe/Race representatives will be appoint through respective Tribe/Race local cultures, electorate appointment or election if require
  10. Local elections will be held for Sarawakian to elect their representatives in Local Councils.
  11. State Assemblymen must hold a meeting with local representatives and the people under his/her jurisdiction every 4 months to ensure local issue can be address and document properly and ensure the people of their democratic rights as long as they breadth in Sarawak.
  12. Each electorate must hold at least Masters Degree to become Local, State and Parliamentary representatives.
  13. Celebration of 22 July each year as Independence Day for Sarawak and 16 September each year as Malaysia Day.
  14. Reestablishment of Sarawak Rangers and Homeland security
  15. Establishment of Naval Rangers with procurement of 3 aircraft carrier and other naval defense system to safeguard long stretch of Sarawak maritime zone 
  16. Establishment of crime zone area according to crime density to tackle domestic and international crime and syndicates. Ensure security of the people by deploying policemens at strategic locations. 
  17. Issuance of Sarawak own MyKad (Sarawak MyKad)
  18. Empowering Sarawak as democratic and secular nation.
  19. 7% of the electorate must be filled by opposition to avoid authoritarian rule
  20. 100% ownership of oil and gas in Sarawak land and water
  21. Anyone born in Sarawak is entitled to 5 acres of land by making an application at the land office showing their birth certificate. The condition is that the 5 acres of land (jungle land) granted to a person born in Sarawak must be cleared and utilized within 2 years. If the land remain uncleared and jungle in 2 years, the government has the right to take back the land. 
  22. Each family entitle to have at least one job/career as family caretaker trust. Free job/career will be given for such situation where at least a family of three (Father/Mother/One children) don't have any job.
  23. Pan Borneo Highway connecting Sarawak to Sabah, Brunei and Kalimantan. Improve the road system and water system as a means for transportation.
  24. Ensure that every road system will include Cars Lane, Motorcycles Lane, Bus Lane where require, and Jogging Lane where require.
  25. 99.9% clean water supplies and 99.9% electricity supplies throughout the nation
  26. Green technology and user friendly technology will be given priority for development (Subsidies/lower tax etc)
  27. Construction of Sarawak World Trade Centre building as the tallest building in South East Asia at Miri (Strategic location between Sabah, Brunei, Philippines, Kalimantan)
  28. Empowering local tourism and development of Sarawak tourism as the 1st choice destination for tourist
  29. Establishment of the biggest and highest diversities Sarawak Zoo in South East Asia/Asia 
  30. Establishment of Borneo Curcuit for F1 racing in Sarawak 
  31. Establishment of inter-division High speed train system throughout Sarawak and connecting Sabah, Brunei and Kalimantan.
  32. Establishment of LRT/Monorail/Tram in high density area such as Kuching, Sibu and Miri
  33. Establishment of complete concrete bridge system to connect all area in Sarawak.
  34. Abolish any toll for roads and ferries.
  35. Lower fuel, house, car prices 
  36. Free gas supplies to each home throughout the nation.
  37. Establishment of Sarawak own oil and gas company
  38. Establishment of Sarawak own car company and Sarawak own domestic flights
  39. Establishment of Sarawak own port in Kuching, Mukah, Bintulu and Miri
  40. Establishment of Sarawak Matriculation College in each Division
  41. Establishment of University/College University in each Division
  42. Establishment of Hospital in each division and high quality clinic in each kampung. Targeting free charge of hospitality for Sarawakian
  43. Establishment of Ministry in supervision of each tribes/races in Sarawak (Name of Ministry under development)
  44. Establishment of Sarawak own Ministry of Women and Family Affairs 
  45. Establishment of Sarawak Workers Affairs within the countries, oversea and around the world.
  46. Establishment of Sarawak Archive to safeguard the local cultures, language and arts through education, research and co-operation. 
  47. Establishment, improvement and integrated of Buses and other public transport
  48. Empowering local people farming land and business
  49. Distribution of free TRUE Sarawak history book and articles throughout the nation. 
  50. Debate and freedom of speech will be uphold in the highest esteem in all media
  51. Establishment of "People Improvement Market System". Coupon will be given to poor people to trade for their items of choose in "People Improvement Market System". 
  52. Attract more professional and investors with better incentives and friendly policies
  53. Establishment and empowerment of NCR Land Court.
  54. Uphold English as the first language of the Sarawak nation.
  55. Establishment of Sarawak own Soccer league (Bujang Senang Soccer League) and Sarawak Cup which will eventually bring Sarawak soccer team into World Cup, Asia Cup, SEA Cup etc.
  56. Sarawak will participate as Sarawak Nation in Commonwealth Games, SEA Games and Olympic Games.
  57. Integrated school and education systems by using Sarawak own formula. Priority given for local teachers to teach at their own school within their local area. 
  58. Free WiFi throughout the Sarawak nation
  59. Freedom to practices religious belief and each individual entitled to protect their own beliefs and cultures unless it is harmful and inappropriate by human nature and disciplined. 
  60. Free scholarships for Sarawakian who wish to continue their Graduate studies overseas (University recognized by Sarawak government only)
  61. Scholarship for student through merit-based system.
  62. Establishment of Sarawak Entertainment Zone. 
  63. Rajah Brooke descendant will be regard as Sarawakian and be given Sarawak MyKad. 
  64. All historical areas and artifacts will be safeguard as Sarawak Heritage Sites
  65. Establishment of Sarawak own Anti Corruption Agency
  66. Each electorate must declare their asset every 3 years as long as they stay in office
  67. Every married couple will be given RM10 000 to help family affairs (Only for 1st time marriage). To give easiness for young people to get married and avoid illicit relationships.
  68. Visa abolishment for merit countries such as European Union countries and other countries to facilitate tourism sectors.
  69. 90% of government sector must be hold by Sarawakian
  70. Sarawakian who decide to live in other countries can have dual citizenship upon agreement, relevance and consultation of Sarawak government (Due to recent development of the world which become more borderless and easy access).
  71. Establishment of Clean Zone System to ensure cleanliness and hygiene of the people living in Sarawak
  72. Increase Free Smoking Zone and empowerment of the Free Smoking Zone and promoting Non Smoking advertisement through religious and scientific facts.
  73. Establishment of Local Cuisine Restaurant throughout Sarawak and around the world
  74. Ensure the rights of Sarawakian been honor. Ensure Sarawakian know their rights by distribution of Rights Article and establishment of Rights Department to safeguard and consult Sarawakian regarding their rights.
  75. Launching Sarawak own Satellite called Kenyalang Satellite and sending the first Sarawakian into space (ISS)
  76. Empowerment maritime research and technology to increase investment throughout the coast of Sarawak
  77. Integrated sewage system and water system/channel throughout Sarawak nation to ensure sustainability, reusability and improvement especially in the urban and industrial area.  
  78. RM2000 Minimum Salary Acts for government and private sectors.
  79. Construction of high quality and free public toilet system
  80. Empowerment and incentives for all religious site such as mosques, churches etc and religious and cultural ceremonies. 
  81. Establishment of Sarawak Heritage Fund for future generation
  82. Salary system will be change to every 2 weeks salary payment system. Salary will be based on Salary/Hour system to ensure the rights of Sarawakian as workers being uphold to every hour.
  83. Justices will be uphold for the past 100 years where crime have been ignored using every legislation, laws, administration, technological advancement, sciences and facts at our disposals. 
  84. Satellite TV can be access freely throughout Sarawak nation without any monopoly by certain company such as Astro.
  85. Ensure that water supplies and electricity won't be monopolies by certain quarters of government and private sectors only. This will ensure healthy competitiveness and ensure the best quality of services
  86. Establishment of meteorological department in each division to ensure quality services and to the ground report of the weather, climate and environmental condition throughout the nation.
  87. Systematic housing and relocation of Sarawakian through consultation and advice by government and private sectors to ensure sustainable production and ensure optimum development of Sarawak
  88. Construction of Concrete Bridge at each village along Sarawak river from coastal until interior of Sarawak
  89. Discount and privilege prices for student from primary to Ph.D at commercial, entertainment and other sectors.
  90. High quality musics, musical instruments, arts, architecture and high quality of living will be held at utmost important.
  91. "Kenyalang Kad", which is debit card will be introduce to be used for public transport such as buses, train, boat, LRT etc.
  92. "Kenyalang Kad" also will be used to enter museum, entertainment centre, zoo and other amenities from the government, GLC or private sectors.
  93. DNA Kit and proper training will be given to bus conductor, train services and other amenities to ensure compliance to justices for the safety and healthy communities services can be maintain and offender to be retain under court of laws.
  94. Construction of "Unity is Duty Monument" to symbolized unity of all people from different tribes, races and cultures throughout Sarawak from the distant past into the future.
  95. Planting of fruit tree throughout urban area, semi urban area and rural area. Establishment of Communities Farming Plot at each housing establishment.
  96. Decrease traffic light system by introducing better road management plan and alternatives road system and other option of public transport services.
  97. Establishment of Sarawak Bureau of Investigation (SBI) to serve as both a federal criminal investigative body and an internal intelligence agency (counterintelligence) which will work together with Sarawak Anti Corruption Agency, Police department and other agencies related.
  98. All systems and construction will be integrate to the needs of the elderly, child and person with disabilities.
  99. Incentives range between RM500-RM2000 will be given to any people who able to identifies and execute people who commit crime, vandalism and other offenses. 
  100. Establishment of research and expedition team to explore caves network in Sarawak especially Mulu caves, Niah caves, Fairy caves etc. and forests/biodiversity expedition team. Initiatives to attract more researcher and scientists into the countries.
  101. Yearly update of easily access map of Sarawak to Sarawakian and tourists and other information and remuneration to increase domestic and international tourism. 
  102. Any individual, groups or entities try to place any claimant on Sarawak sovereignty as a nation, will be regard as intrusion and will be dealt with full military might of the Sarawak Nation and its Ally.
  103. Achieving Sarawak as top 30 of the world best cities to live in in 10 years.
  104. Military pact and co-operation with Brunei, Sabah, Philippine, Taiwan and Kalimantan
  105. Establishment of high tech and advance boat building construction sites in Kuching, Mukah, Bintulu and Miri
  106. Establishment of Interfaith Councils and Intercultural Councils 
  107. Establishment of Bank of Borneo as a main banking institution in Sarawak 
  108. Procurement of stature de art military equipment in response to military advancement in the East Asian region to safeguard our nation of Sarawak
  109. Establishment of Sarawak own communication services which will have coverage all over Borneo island
  110. Establishment of Animal Protection Unit and animal shelter throughout the nation of Sarawak
  111. To preserve and protect the integrity, independence and the democratic status of Sarawak
  112. To preserve and protect the rights and interests of Sarawak as a nation forming Malaysia Federation
  113. To establish, promote and safeguard a just, progressive and democratic government of the people, by the people and for the people
  114. To bring about a more equitable distribution of wealth and opportunities than those existing in the present system in Sarawak
  115. To safeguard and promote the constitutional rights and priviliges of every citizen in Sarawak within a multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-religious.
  116. To ensure decent living and social security of all Sarawakian
  117. Establishment of security/traffice/policemen post along the road/highways
  118. Level 1 river system quality throughout Sarawak nation

UNION OF FAITHS of Sarawakian and Sabahan


SSKM (Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia)





Credits - SSKM

Malayan regime opposition parties begin their grip over Sarawak sovereignty

As General election 13 looming, Malayan regime opposition parties, Pakatan Rakyat comprises of PKR, PAS and DAP begin to hold their grip over Sarawak.

In my opinion, if Pakatan Rakyat truly sincere in their pledge to change the government for the better, accountable and transparent admistration, they should empower local opposition parties in Sarawak instead of fielding their own candidates here.

If Sarawakian fall into this trap again by giving their vote for candidates from Malayan parties and their proxies, nothing concrete would change the fate of this free nation of Sarawak under Malaysia Federation.

I'm afraid that in the near future, Sarawakian will lack the personalities and local persona in political arena as all parliamentary seat been greedily grab by Malayan-based parties despite they are ruling regime or opposition front. This will create "brain drain" of political persona of Sarawakian own son.

If that is the case, Sarawak will become another tragedy that i called "Sabah tragedy of Black September" (16 September is the date Sabah and Sarawak form Malaysia together with Malaya and Singapore).

I hope more parliamentary seats been given for the local-based opposition front in Sarawak such as SNAP (Sarawak National Party) and SWP (Sarawak Workers Party).

Being Determined in Prayer for the sake of justices in Sarawak and Sabah

Being determined in prayer makes the believer more mature and bestows on  him a strong will and character. A believer who shows determination in prayer gets much in return by earning a deep faith, which is more valuable than most of the things he asked for. It is revealed in the Qur’an that one needs to be determined in prayer as such:
"Seek help in steadfastness and prayer. But that is a very hard thing, except for the humble:"(Surat al-Baqara, 45)
"May Allah bring justices and peaces for Sarawak and Sabah and blessed our nations with the comings of Hazrat Mahdi and Prophet Jesus"

"Promised fullfilled" or just full of LIE

After more than 50 years being colonized by Malayan regime, Sarawakian still don't have sufficient water and electricity for the people throughout the nation of Sarawak.

In my place, Mukah division, interior and suburban area is the worst. water shortage and unsatisfied quality of water supplies still the issue after so many promises by the electorate or so called Malayan proxies in this bless countries of Sarawak.

Just a few days back, hours of electricity to my area along Igan river been disrupted for unknown reason, people being left out wondering without any explanation from government body. Believe what you care, it happens seldomly in the past and of course in the future.

I wonder, with high rainfall intensity in my area of Mukah division and long stretch of river system, people and the government still unable to find the right technology to utilized this free gifts from nature.

The question remain, where does our tax money goes to if not for the people?

Map and location of Sarawak

The Golden Son of The Kadazan

Every Borneon from Sabah and Sarawak should read this book as this will reveal the truth regarding our bless and sovereign nations rights and justices that have been manipulated for more than 50 years under disguise of "Malaysia".

Sabah and Sarawak history have been distorted and manipulated by the ruling regime of Malaya to avoid the borneon people from knowing the truth about Sabahan and Sarawakian true histories.

Even the history book from primary school until university have been manipulated and distorted to favor Malayan regime and their proxies in Sabah and Sarawak.

Another source of true Sarawak history that can be reach is through facebook "Borneo Oracle" as it contain lots of information regarding Sarawak in the field of economics, cultures, past histories, politics etc.

Knowledge is power. Have fun reading. 

As a muslim, i believe in Adnan Oktar (Harunyahya) as my guide.

Assalamualaikum and great day for everybody

As a muslim, i have been searching for the truth to guide me in the right path of this life. Since i was a little boys, in Sarawak, i been teach to learn about Islam in school through the course of "Pendidikan Islam", "Syariah Islamiah", "Pendidikan Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah".

However, as good as the course that i learn at school, my heart still can't find the right solution for my uneasiness as a Muslim because what i learn from Ustaz and Ustazah can't satisfied my need for the true Islam that i seek. Hundred of books and article that i read, doesn't really fill my heart at ease.

I found out later that none of what i learn and read about Islam is really genuine Islamic teachings. The truth of Islam still can be heard and learn, but there was always "irregularities" and  notion that i find kind of...i called "uneasiness to my heart".

At last, after seeking through online portal from one websites to another, the truth that i seek finally arrive. So, through out this blog, most of my notion and opinion is guided by the view of this websites.